Blogs and Websites

Blogs I Love
City Girl Farming
The antics of Kerri's chickens are enough to keep me reading. 
Diary of a Tomato
A little bit of everything, but this blog has lots of small, simple ideas that appeal to me. 
Fabrics, Frocks, Food
Rukmini was a contestant on the British version of Masterchef (which is MUCH more enjoyable that the American version) and just has a really gorgeous touch with food of all sorts. The food photography will blow you away. She has this lavender dessert that I'm dying to try...
Food in Jars 
This is a wonderful, extensive blog on all things canning related, including product reviews and weekly giveaways. 
I love the beautiful pictures in this blog, as well as the author's focus on finding the happiness in food and in life. Her rustic-style food looks great.
Have YOU Ben Starr Struck? 
Ben lives here in Dallas and writes about amazing food of all sorts (he LOVES pumpkin), his underground restaurant, and DIY projects, like raising chickens.
Nom Nom Paleo
This is one of the foremost paleo diet blogs. While I'm not a paleo devotee, I love Michelle's recipes, which are heavy on meat and veggies for anyone who wants a processed food detox. Her writing style is funny as well.
Teaspoons and Petals
TEA!!! It's all about tea!
Eating from the Ground Up
The author of this blog, Alana Chernila, also wrote one of my favorite cookbooks The Homemade Pantry. Her blog has tons of great information, inspiring ideas, and she's really a real person. With two crazy little girls, a house out in the middle of nowhere, and a tight budget, she's really a real person with the same everyday needs as you and me. 

Helpful Websites

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